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Incorporation of Hong Kong Limited

Information and time required for registration

- Copy of ID card or passport of all shareholders and directors

- Proof of address of all shareholders and directors

- Company name and estimated share capital

- Registered company secretary and registered address (we can provide related services)

- Prepare documents require 1 working day, the government processes documents require 5 working days

Incorporation of Overseas and Offshore Companies

Hong Kong is an international financial centre with a sound legal and political structure, no foreign exchange controls, no limit on exchange of funds, a simple tax system and a low tax rate. Hong Kong has no value added tax (VAT) and sales tax. In the past, there was also a tax rebate policy for different companies to operate in Hong Kong. In line with Chinese policies, Hong Kong companies can also become holding companies of Chinese enterprises. As the advantages of Hong Kong are innumerable, up to now, more than 1.4 million companies have registered in Hong Kong.

We and our offshore partners provide the following company registration services:
- American company
- BVI company
- Cayman Islands company
- Samoa company
- Seychelles company
- Belize company
- British company

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